Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 21 & 22: Weekend Activities - Rest Day and Beach Day

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This weekend was basically a time for rest. Well sort of. On Saturday we did laundry and went grocery shopping. That night we also went to see a movie at the nearby cinema. That was pretty much all we did for Saturday.

Sunday was Fathers Day here so all of our guides were basically busy with their families. Luckily Abner had Fathers Day activities during lunch so he was free by 3pm. And even luckier he wanted to try out bodyboarding again so it was off to Rincon one more time. Today only the boys went out since the girls were all tired and wanted to stay home- they missed out but it was probably better for us cause we mightve left earlier than we did if the girls were there. Once again we went to our favorite little beach break and today was really fun cause everyone got to give it a try. The waves were only 1-2ft but still ride able. Jonathan, Abner, and Hertin all caught at least one wave and all of them enjoyed it. It was really a great day at the beach!






To top things off we stayed until the sunset. This was my second sunset viewing here in Puerto Rico and once again it was amazing sight. Even better than the last time because of the atmosphere of the day! I got some shots that came out great(well from what I saw on the camera)! After the sun went down we all packed up. Before we left I looked out and noticed the waves were getting better and I told Abner to check it out. He looked at it and said you can go out if you want. I thought he was joking cause usually hes in a hurry. But he said he was serious so I quickly grabbed my board and fins and went for a second after sundown session. While it was kind of dark the wave size during this time was an extra foot bigger and I was able to get two or three good rides before it got too dark. I went in and we called it a day. Once again I was super stoked especially since everyone had a got to surf this time around! Definitely another memorable day in Puerto Rico!!

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